
Danilo Goffi








Among KeForma’s athletes is the marathon runner Danilo Goffi who has participated at many European, World and Olympic competitions reaching important results. We asked Danilo if he could tell us a bit more about his sport career…

When did you start? What is your relationship with running and what have been the best results achieved so far?

I started running 1987, being slender in appearance, no football team would consider my enrollment so that is when many of my friends advised me to start athletics and I decided to join them. My passion for running become stronger and stronger thanks to the good results I was able to reach starting from Junior categories.

The following are my bed performances:

Junior European 10000 m. Champion; Runner-up during the European Budapest marathon; Gold World trophy at the Seville team marathon; Two-time winner of the Eruopean trophy team marathon; Winner of the Venice and Turin marathons; Four-time Italian Champion; Two-time winner at the master category (over 40) New York marathon and winner at the master category (over 40) Boston marathon; 9th place at the Atlanta Olympics; 4th place at the World Marathon Championships of Athens; 5th place at the World Marathon Championships of Seville.

Is there are race you remember with fondness?

Yes, the marathon during the 1998 Budapest European Championships when I won the gold medal.

And one that you would like to forget about?

There are many that I would like to forget, but I try not too because defeats have their degree of importance in helping us grow and become stronger during difficult moments.

What are your future goals?

After retiring from my career as a professional athlete I became a coach and at present I am working on enlarging my athletics corporation.

How is your day organized?

During the mornings I work in the office, in the afternoons I compile training schedules for those who I follow, I take care of the technical aspects of my athletics corporation (almostthere), I train on the pitch and if there is any time left I go running.

Running and supplements, What are the main aspects to be considered on these topics?

I think supplements are very important for those who practice sports. It’s important to identify products that allow athletes to fully recover their muscular strength, to reach a balanced hydration and products that sustain their energy levels.

How did you get to know KeForma and why did you choose our supplement products?

I got to know KeForma when I became a professional athlete. Collaborating with KeForma has given me the possibility to know their products better in every detail.

Is there a KeForma product that you cannot do without?

I could not do without branched-chain amino acids ideal for muscle recovery.
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