
Simone Sabbioni








Simone Sabbioni, born in Rimini on the 3rd of October 1996, is an italian swimmer and national record holder of the 100 metres backstroke. After attending the 2016 Rio competitions, this Romagna champion is happy to be interviewed by our company so that we can get to know him better. Hi Simone, welcome to this meeting organized together with KeForma’s friends.

Tell us about your career, when did you start, what is your relationship with the pool and what have been your best accomplishments up to now?

Hello everyone, my name is Simone Sabbioni and I am a swimmer. I have been swimming since I was 5 years old, when my parents would leave me playing in the pool hoping I would use up some of my energy. Around 10 years old I started swimming on a competitive level and at 14 years old I started winning when participating at the youth leagues on all 3 distances: 50, 100, 200. Later I participated at the national youth leagues together with many World and European youth leagues. The best result achieved during my juvenile career is when I won the Chinese Youth Olympics. In 2015 I won the Italian record at Riccione which enabled me to participate for the first time at the National Championships held at Kazan during the same year. In 2016 I won the Italian Championships and also qualified for Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

Is there a competition you remember fondly?

One of the competitions I remember fondly is the 2015 Israel European Championship Short Course Worlds when I won the 50 meter silver medal and 200 meter bronze medal together with two relay race gold medals.

And one that you would like to forget about?

One that I would like to forget about is pretty recent, during the London European Championship. Unfortunately the training didn’t go as me and my coach expected. During the 100 meter competition, the one I usually excel in, I got the results I was expecting but in the end I only won the bronze medal even if I the gold was within my reach. This is a real special year. How are preparations going for the next international events? What are your expectations for Rio? Every 4 years the Olympic year is the most important. We are preparing and training hard for this event. As Rio approaches I will also participate to the Sette Colli international trophy and spend 3 weeks altitude training in Sierra Nevada to get as fit as possible.

How is your day organized?

My day is pretty busy. I wake up at 7.30 am and start swimming at 8.30 for two hours. I later go back home, to my granny’s jewelry store or at my mothers. At around 1pm I go with all the family to eat lunch at one of Rimini’s restaurants. At 3.30pm for three days a week I train at the gym and then from 5 pm I go back to the pool. The other 3 days I just swim for 2 hours in the afternoon. The rest of the time I spend it home, eating, watching a film, reading a book or sleeping.

When not swimming, who is Simone?

Simone: when not swimming Simone is a pleasant guy who loves music and once in a while takes time to strum through the strings of a guitar. I love eating out with friends and once in a blue moon I go clubbing with them.

Swimming and food supplements. What are the main aspects to be considered on these topics?

We all know well that supplements are very important for those who practice sports and for life in general. They are acquired during meals and also by taking extra supplements and that is why I confide in KeForma which I consider a very good brand. During intense training it’s important to combine the right supplements to our diet if not we may risk low performances during training or during the competition itself.

How did you get to know KeForma and why did you choose our supplement products?

I got to know KeForma thanks to my training partner Elisa Celli who was using these products before. I really trust this brand because I believe it is professional and I benefit from their products every day, especially during training and competitions.

Is there a KeForma product that you cannot do without?

I believe all KeForma products are important starting from force 3 before the competition, Cgt Explosion during hard training and the one I need the most to recover my energy back after training is Recovery Mass 2.0. Skills: Swimming
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